The maturity of the mobile environment and the popularization of social media have increased the general public’s influence on politics, society, and economics. Individual and small group opinions also have a decisive effect on national policy, companies, and products. Saltlux has developed an engine to extract events, recognize named entities, analyze syntaxes, and analyze multilingual morphemes including Korean, English, Japanese, and others for the past 20 years. With this engine, we are capable of providing opinion mining solutions and high-quality high-precision sentiment analyses. Saltlux‘s NLP and Opinion Mining technologies guarantee the world’s best analysis quality based on Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
- Customer Problems
It is difficult to understand people’s opinions and potential problems just by reading social posts and documents within and beyond an organization composed of unstructured text. The expenses to analyze them are often very high.
- Introduction Effects
It performs related subjects analysis, sentiment analysis, and various language analyses from large-scale and real-time text, understands complaints about corporate policies and products, and enables preemptive responses.

- Main Functions
Issue analysis, analysis of reputation trends, sentiment analysis, extraction of events, named entity recognition, syntax analysis, morpheme analysis of multilingual texts, including Korean, English, Japanese, and Chinese.

- Built-in Products
LEA (Language Engineering and Analysis), OM Engine
- Major Customers
Hyundai Motor Company, LG Electronics, Samsung Electronics, Korean Intellectual Property Office, Hanwha Group, Ministry of National Defense, National Information Society Agency, etc.